Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Special Needs Adoption

O.K., so this is jumping WAY ahead of what I wanted to post next, but I'm a little excited today. Our adoption agency, Harrah's International Adoption Mission (, announced that they would be getting a new Waiting Child list. YIPPEEE! I had concerns that this would not be happening any time soon since it has been over four months since they received their last list of children. So I have been fervently filling out a new preliminary application and financial statement to send to the agency. I have faxed both forms off and the originals are now ready to be mailed.

Back to why the agency would not be getting a new list....The CCAA (Chinese Center of Adoption Affairs), recently announced several new "rules" for perspective parents (more on that later). Within these new rules, they announced that their WC (Waiting Child) program would be changed and agencies would not be receiving a WC list any longer. Typically the CCAA will send a list of children to different agencies and that agency finds the children a forever family. CCAA has announced that the children would not be distributed to the individual agencies, but put on the CCAA website for families to view. I was stunned at this announcement and felt it would be a total fiasco. But, they are not doing that YET. Only time will tell if they actually do change the procedures. But for now, it is the same....WITH ONE VERY IMPORTANT EXCEPTION.

This exception DOES impact us.....CCAA will no longer allow families that have been logged into their NSN (non special needs) route to change to the SN/WC (special needs/waiting child) program after they have been logged in for six months in the NSN route. UGH!!! This is devastating to us. We had hoped to go the SN route, but knew that our agency had a very active/competitive WC program. With this knowledge, we wanted to complete our dossier BEFORE we actually started looking at the children (we thought it would make us a better candidate, which is not true). It was just too much for me to know that a child was waiting for us and we were trying to get our paper work together. Knowing what I know now, I would have waited until a child was identified before I even started the paperwork. Oh well....

God has a plan and I'm waiting (not so patiently) for Him to reveal that plan to us.

"I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out-plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." Jeremiah 29:11 The Message/Remix

Thank goodness someone knows what's going on!


1 comment:

Leslie said...

I'll be keeping you guys in my prayers, and hopefully little Amelia will be on that WC list. God is so faithful, and he will bring you to your baby.

Love Amelia's name and love the new blogs.

Blessings to you,