Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Orthopedic Visit and Home Update....

We've been home a little over a week now and I think we have all readjusted to our local time...praise the Lord! I don't think it was as easy with Elise but they may have to do with when our flights arrived back in the US. We arrived home in the afternoon with Elise making it difficult to take a nap without sleeping for hours (which we did). This time we arrived home at 8 a.m. and we got home at around 10 a.m. We all took a very nice nap for around 4-5 hours and we still had a large portion of the day remaining to wear ourselves out.

Amelia is sleeping through the night and taking one nap a day. She DOES NOT LIKE being laid down. She pitches a royal fit at nap time and at bed time. It is getting better though. She will only scream for a short period of time now. I have to say that this little girl has one heck of a temper! I also think she has been very spoiled by her caregivers at the orphanage. All in all, she is very happy and has a ready smile to give (except for in the mornings, she's not a morning person).

Our day starts at around 7 a.m. although Amelia has slept until 8:30 on one occasion. I kept checking on her to make sure she was o.k....silly me. Elise is getting up early since she's in our room and she hears the shower running in the morning. I think we will move her back into her room this week. Sleeping seems to be staying in this particular pattern, so sleeping for Elise should be o.k. I know we will have to go with staggered bedtimes since Amelia goes down at 7:30 and Elise is up until 8:30.

I've included a link to a video of Amelia "moving" around. It's amazing how kids will conform and adjust to their handicaps. Amelia gets around great on her stomach. Check out her break dancing moves.....

Amelia break dancing....

I had to go to the grocery with both girls. Something I've been dreading, but I had to do it. So I head out to Meijers for the excursion of the day. I spend about 15 minutes perusing the parking lot in search of the semi trucks of shopping carts...yes, the shopping cart with two seats. The shopping cart that should have a "back-up warning" sound when in reverse. Thankfully, Elise is great at the store and sat in the seat like a big girl. Amelia did well also. For our first attempt at the grocery alone, it went very well. Thank goodness!!! I told Elise is sets a great example as a big sister.

Riding in the 'DOUBLE' shopping cart

As far as adjusting to being a big sister and not the "Lone Empress", Elise seems to be doing well. She wants to help feed Amelia and I do let her when she asks. I thought this was a particularly precious photo of the two of them.

We visited the orthopedic doctor on Thursday to discuss Amelia's feet. I thought it would be a visit to discuss a treatment plan. And it was...for about 3 minutes and then she said they would cast her right away. WHAT!!!! I figured she would need surgery, but according to her doctor (that I really like), her feet are not that bad and should be fixed with a series of 4-6 casts.

So happy...right before her new cast

The casting didn't take long, we were out of the office within 45 minutes. Needless to say, my head was spinning. Amelia sat through the casting like an old pro. The doctor kept commenting on how good she was. Then I had to tell them about all the "treatments" she received in China and that this was probably nothing compared to that stuff.

So now she's learning to get around with two very heavy casts on her legs. When this is all said and done, Amelia will have the upper body strength of her mother. You should see her yank something out of Elise's hands....YOWSA! After getting over the initial shock of realizing her sister is rather strong, Elise hangs on much tighter to things!

Riding my pony in my new casts

Trying to move my feet around

Still lots of smiles even with new casts

Even with the new casts, she still gets around pretty well. The casts do not allow her to stand at all. I do help her stand, but she doesn't stand very long. She is currently pulling herself up on the trampoline in the basement without any problems what so every. She has proven to be very adaptable.

We return to the doctor on Monday for new casts. I'll be able to give her a bath before we go to soak the casts for easier removal. There is also another soaking that I have to do about 30 minutes before we get there. The casts will need to be wrapped in vinegar and water soaked towels for the ride to the doctor....YIPPEE!!! That should be an interesting visit. Get out the garbage bags....

I also thrilled to say that all of Elise's labs came back clear. She will need to have her Hep B shots, that's all. There was also no bugs in the stool, so I'm going to have to try using soy formula to help with that "issue".

See how quickly she adapts

New Locomotion...

Elise is in "Potty Training Boot Camp". Yep, it isn't pretty folks. She's 3 1/2 years old and will not use the potty. I've given her until after our China trip and now the fun begins. She can't go to preschool without being potty trained. So we are stuck in the house until she "gets it". I have had to resort to long t-shirts and no pants at all. She doesn't care if her pants are wet or dirty. I've reached my limit and last resort. Yesterday was really tough, many accidents! Today, after three hours, no accidents. Let's see how the rest of the day goes.

She is less than pleased with her "situation", but maybe she'll finally get it. While in boot camp, there is no playing with friends, no sitting on the furniture unless it is the kitchen chair (that is in the kitchen on the hardwood floor) and no going to the basement with Tucker. I think the last restriction is what got to her last night. She wanted so desperately to play "Fort" with Tucker and she can't since it is on the carpeting...no accidents permitted here. So she whined and cried off to the bathroom without anyone asking her or telling her. Steve and I just looked at one another. So maybe the Gu Gu Tucker is the answer...We shall see.

Stuck on the "easy to clean" flooring...

Signing off for now....


Unknown said...

Hi Kim, Thanks for all the news. I think of you often and wonder how it is going. :) I like your technique in getting Elise to use the "pottie". Hang in there you are doing great!

Wendy, your neighbor!

Andrea M said...

Ah Amelia is so cute even in casts. She just seems to go with the flow :)

Good luck with potty training - I hated that year!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

So nice to read all the news about the girls! Glad all is well, even with casts....:-)

amy docherty said...

Hi Kim! I just love reading about your family! So glad everyone is adjusting well. I think Amelia is going to be a great swimmer with her upper body strength! I'm thinking the butterfly stroke! Wow!

The Browns said...


The videos of Amelia crawling are interesting. She certainly does have the upper body strength you spoke of.

I'm happy for Amelia. I'm assuming that she would never be able to walk if her feet weren't straightened. And I don't know if the orphanage had any treatment plans that would have eventually allowed her to walk. But if not... you have changed this little girl's life.


dsmasonry said...

Hi Kim and family, the girls are so cute I love the one with Alise is feeding Amelia. My computor and lap top had to be cleaned I couldn't get on line for days. The baby gets around well with those casts on. Shes cute as a button. Tell Alise I think she is doing so well with Amelia. Let us know when we can come down to meet the baby and see allof you. Love mom