Yes, our little Miss Amelia is walking! That's right, she started walking with her AFOs on Wednesday, June 18th! It was so exciting and she was so beside herself with pride. The therapist was so proud of her! I was so shocked and surprised! We didn't even have to ask her to walk, she just looked up at me, smiled and started walking toward me. Suddenly, I felt this pressure in my chest. What could it be, I thought? Then I realized it was my heart, ready to explode for joy for my little girl. She fell into my arms and the pure delight on her face was something I will never forget! We hugged and laughed and cried all at the same time!
It really was one of those special moments that I will never forget! I'll never forget the smug little smile on her face right before she let go of the chair and walked to me. I'll never forget how that smiled changed when she fell into my arms and the transformation that followed. Amelia seems so much happier now that she is mobile. It really is amazing. Her gait isn't really pretty, for us, it's beautiful, amazing and incredible.
I talked to the doctor in St. Louis and they were thrilled to hear she is walking. They also said that the more she can walk without the AFOs, the stronger her legs will get!
So hip-hip-hooray for Miss Amelia~she's motoring all over the place.
I just can't stand how cute she is!!!