Wednesday, March 7, 2007

What's going on now....

I'm totally bummed since I can't post a photo of our sweet little girl right now. You will have to wait until we either get Letter of Acceptance (LOA) or pre-approval (PA). From what I understand, we DO NOT want PA, that will take us longer, we want to move straight to LOA. The LOA is a letter that states we will adopt her. We will have to sign it and return it to our agency which will return it to China~blah blah blah. We also can't send a care package until the LOA~ another big ole BOOHOO!!! We can expect to receive an LOA in 3-5 months....keep praying for us!
So this photo is all I can post~it's like we're pregnant and this is our ultrasound! This is what I can tell you....she's chubby and round and at 7.5 months, she weighed about 18 pounds YOWSA!!!! I don't think that Baby Bjorn is going to work for us! She had no hair~but we all know that will change. I'll still take hair know how I am.
I have to tell everyone that we have been blessed with so many wonderful emails and comments. THANK YOU!! I would especially like to say thanks to those families that petitoned for Si Yuan...I know your disappointment since we were told "no" on the last list. Don't give up~although it can be difficult to put your heart on the line. Your child is waiting for you to find him or her! We feel very blessed to be her forever!
I've gotten connected with her orphanage group and it sounds like a FABULOUS place. We will be going to Chengdu City and they have a Panda Research Facility there. That will be so fun to tour! Anyway, back to her orphanage. There's an organization called "Half the Sky" that has a program in the the orphanage called "Hugging Granny Program". There are woman that come into the orphanage and hold and hug the babies during the day. I have been told that Amelia Si~Yuan is being well loved and nurtured while we wait to go get her. That's a wonderful feeling! Another really exciting thing is that Half the Sky keeps updates on the children that are in their program and we can request all that information once we return from China. I am BEYOND THRILLED over this tidbit. Someone told me that they have a new born photo of their child...YIPEEE!!
I have returned my preliminary Letter of Intent (LOI) to my agency last night. She will make adjustments and send it back to us to sign and over night to her. I'll keep you posted!
I've come to realize she is my child. I'm in love all over again....Elise is excited and we talk about Mei-Mei all the time. I've given her a photo to look at too! I can have photos, I just can't post them on the internet.

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