Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's a good thing....

we are finished with visits from the social worker. No too sure how this method for securing Millie into her favorite "big girl" chair would go over.

But as you can plainly see, she's THRILLED to be using it.
So what's a mother to do when she just wants to make her baby girl smile a little bit???
You do what I do and get out all of your belts and strap the little monkey in. It was a delightful dinner with her at the table in her own chair and not the wheel chair. She even feed herself for the most part!
It was a banner day for Millie Moo!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Bergeron said...

She is just too cute for words!! And that smile!!! I would have doen the same and I know my SW would have suggested it!! LOL!!

Those are some fancy purple casts!