Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday evening

Another eventful and interesting day her in St. Louie! Fortunately, we don't have Nurse Cratchet tonight~good thing~I think I would have had words with her tonight. Or maybe I could take her down with a one-legged shot for (2)~put her in a cradle for some back points and then "pretend" I can't hold it and let her go, then I could throw her in a head & arm for another take down and pin her for the win! YEA! Or maybe not~maybe I could just ream her out, like I'm really good at!

Anyhoo, I'm back from my dream world now. We put Millie in a wheel chair today and she did great. But when we moved her back to the bed, all the swelling started up again~UGH! Poor little butterball! First the right side started to swell and then the left side followed. Then the fever started spiking again. But the good thing was that we had a visitor today, Nel the Dalmatian! Millie was thrilled. She kept yelling, "I like Giggsey!" Well, Giggsey is our dog at home and Millie does love him to pieces. It was so lovely to see a dog. Nel was so docile, not like our Giggs! But nice just the same.

Millie and Nel

Nel is a Superstar!

The parade of doctors, nurses, therapists, etc started and didn't seem to stop until around 5:30 p.m. The epidural was removed around noon and she's been on oral pain meds since then. We're staying on top of the pain and keeping the meds in her. She's a little shaky, but all in all, she's doing pretty well. There was a pressure sore on her back and we have to make sure she stays off of that now~so she's always laying to one side.

The temp keeps spiking, but we don't know why. They took another chest x-ray and it looks the same as yesterday. It's too early for there to be an infection. So they are running some cultures and we will know more tomorrow. Breathing treatments have been moved to every six hours~thank goodness. At least I won't have to square off with a nurse tonight about getting a treatment at 2 in the morning :-).

We have a nice, new wheelchair that was delivered to our room today. These folks don't waste anytime. I did fold and request a handicap sticker for my car. I hate doing that, but I think I'm going to need it. So we are getting that too. The only piece of equipment we are waiting on is the car seat. I'm hoping to see that tomorrow.

She's resting nicely this evening. One more breathing treatment before lights out. She wants to be holding my hand constantly and it's a bit uncomfortable. So I've passed off a toothbrush to her to give my arm a bit of a break. Her eyes are almost closed and she is totally fighting going to sleep.

Praying that her night is restful since she will be off the epidural and praying we can keep the temperature down!
Zai Jian!

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